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A Retirement with Food and Culture

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Spokane, Washington

Located on Washington's eastern border with Idaho, Spokane is the cultural, social, and economic hub of this area. There are many interesting neighborhoods ranging from the late Victorian-era style Browne's Addition, to the Davenport Arts District of Downtown.  More »

Ready to Retire...And Looking for Food and Culture

A Topretirements Member told us she was ready to retire, and as a foodie, food and culture were at the top of her requirements. Here are some great ideas to fit that lifestyle. What are your requirements? We are looking for ideas to explore in future segments. More>>

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Foodie Town - Harrisburg, PA

The DailyMeal thinks Harrisburg is a pretty good town for foodies. Its Broad Street Market has food stands ranging from pierogis and apple dumplings to gourmet fresh pasta and Indian cuisine. Plus, Harrisburg is a nice place to retire. More >


Audio Books to the Rescue

If you have been spending a lot of time cooking, walking, exercising, or working in the garden, audiobooks are a great way to add enjoyment. We have listened to some fabulous books lately; here are some suggestions and more about how. We want your book suggestions too! More>>

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